Is a soft present one of your favorite things in the whole world? Then you should participate in our regular Hobbii Giveaways where you can win amazing prizes (... yes, you guessed it. It’s yarn!). 

Here at Hobbii, we love a good giveaway almost as much as we love yarn! And we just can’t stop spoiling our creative yarn friends with lovely prizes.

And for that reason, we have decided to host contests on a regular basis, and new lucky winners will be found at the same regular intervals. In this blog post, you will get an overview of our giveaways.

Want to see who won our latest giveaways? The winners will be announced HERE(US/EU) and HERE (UK).

Sign up for our newsletter and win a gift certificate

If you have already spotted the perfect yarn for your next project, you will love this giveaway! 

When you sign up for our free newsletter, you automatically enter a contest where you can win a gift certificate worth £50 / 50 USD / 50€ that you can use to buy anything you want in our webshop.

In addition to entering the contest for a lovely yarn prize, as a subscriber to our newsletter, you will also receive lots of great offers on yarn and accessories, as well as plenty of inspiration for your next crochet or knitting project. You can unsubscribe at any time.

A lucky winner will be chosen on the first business day every month. The winner will be contacted directly.

Share a #HobbiiUnboxing video

Ahh! Nothing beats the feeling of receiving a package full of amazing yarn!

But hold your horses and stop yourself from immediately ripping open the package out of pure excitement! You may just be able to win even more yarn!

Participate in our #HobbiiUnboxing contest by sharing a video or photo, on Instagram or Facebook, of you ‘unboxing’ your yarn and accessories. Remember to use the hashtag #HobbiiUnboxing.

Feel free to be creative and think outside the box when filming your video or taking your photo. We award extra points for creativity or humor when choosing a winner.

And what can you win, you may ask? The lucky winner will get a gift voucher for no less than 25 skeins of Friends Cotton 8/4. Imagine all the lovely projects you could make with this amazing cotton yarn!

A lucky winner will be chosen on the first business day every month. The winner will be contacted directly.

👆 Bring us along on your Hobbii unboxing journey. Share a video or photo with us on Facebook or Instagram using the hashtag #HobbiiUnboxing.

Write a review

Do you have a favorite Hobbii yarn? Or a pattern that you REALLY want to tell others about?

Write a review on our website, and you may win the giveaway of 10 skeins of Friends Cotton 8/4. You are more than welcome to write as many reviews for our products and patterns as you want (and hereby increase your chances of winning). We accept them all gladly!

A lucky winner will be chosen on the first business day, every other month. The winner will be contacted directly.

Share your projects with us

We love to see how you use our yarns to knit and crochet beautiful creations and how you interpret our many patterns with different colors, combinations, and yarns. 

And we would simply LOVE it if you would upload a photo of your latest project on our product and pattern pages. That way, you can help inspire other passionate knitters and crocheters. 

There are two ways to upload your photo: You can either show us your project on the product page of the yarn you used or on the pattern page. Find the relevant page and upload your photo under the tab “Photo Gallery”.

You’re also very welcome to write a few words about your project if you, e.g., used a different yarn than the one mentioned in the project or if you have a useful tip for others who want to try their hand at making the same pattern.

In this giveaway, you can win 10 skeins of Friends Cotton 8/4. A lucky winner will be chosen on the first business day, every other month. The winner will be contacted directly.

Learn how to share your projects in the photo below 👇

Subscribe to our YouTube channel

Did you know that Hobbii’s on YouTube? We share tons of inspiration, how-to-videos, and amazing yarns. Make sure to subscribe to our channel - it’ll make your life even more yarn-tastic!

Go to our YouTube channel ➔

How to participate in our YouTube Giveaway

  1. Visit our YouTube channel and click subscribe.
  2. Watch the latest Giveaway video and comment on it.

We will contact the winner on the 15th of every month. The prizes vary from month to month.

Keep an eye out for other contests

In addition to the giveaways mentioned above, we regularly host other contests on our social media platforms.

So keep an eye out if you don’t want to miss out on lovely and soft prizes.

Go to Facebook here ➔

Go to Instagram here ➔

We will announce the winners here

We always contact the winners of our giveaways directly, but we also have a page where you will be able to keep an eye on the winners of our giveaways.

Find the winners of our giveaways HERE (US/EU) and HERE (UK)